20-22 ndSeptember3 days of intense practice
24Hours10:00 AM — 6:00 PM
20SeatsLimited number of seats
Learn to gather and analyze data provided by Google Analytics, search consoles & web servers with our new data science course.
Every day, Google Analytics, Google Search Console and your web server collect millions of data rows, and SEO experts often only look at summary graphs and rejoice when they increase and get upset when they decrease. It is time to understand the causes and consequences and take the first step in Data Science - dig into this data with your head and find answers to all your questions.
There’s no need to invent Google's conspiracy theories if you can find out how data science works and test its main techniques in SEO. Book your seat to get instant access to the course.
Book a placeLearn more about the event of our upcoming data science course in details.
Our course will take place at one of the biggest modern educational facilities, the STC Education Hub. It can host up to 150 participants and guests.